Lucha Underground Results (11/9) – Grave Consequences Tres, Famous B vs Mascarita Sagrada

Mack with a Somersault Plancha onto Cage and Texano. Crane with a running lariat to Cage. Ivelisse goes for a flying crossbody, but Cage catches her in mid-air. Crane connects with the suicide dive. Argenis with a slingshot moonsault onto Cage, Texano, Mack and Ivelisse on the outside. Killshot and Fox with dropkicks in stereo to the Martinez’s.

Fox with a reverse springboard 450 Splash onto Cage and Texano on the outside. Killshot with a leaping knee strike to the jaw of Ivelisse. Killshot goes for a powerbomb, but Ivelisse counters with a reverse hurricanrana for a two count. Martinez sets up for the flying curb stomp off the second rope, but Fox gets in Martinez way. Fox plants Killshot with a Brain Buster. Ivelisse looks to be injured on the outside. Martinez scores the pinfall.

Winner: Mariposa, Marty The Moth Martinez, Ivelisse, Jeremiah Crane and The Mack