Impact Wrestling Results (7/6): El Patron Defends Against Lashley, LAX Welcomes a New Member!

Desmond Xavier vs Iris Abraham

Xavier locks in a top wrist lock. Abraham flips out of it. Abraham flips over Abraham, then takes Abraham over with a back flip head scissors. Abraham hits the ropes and as Xavier tries to leapfrog Abraham kicks Xavier in the chest. Xavier rolls to the outside. Abraham takes Xavier out with a topé suicida. Abraham belly-to-belly suplexes Xavier into the turnbuckle for a near fall. After a short break, Abraham rakes Xavier’s eye and gets another two count. Abraham takes too much time and Xavier surprises him with a headbutt to the gut followed by a strike flurry. Xavier drops Abraham with a cutter. Xavier deadlift German suplexes Abraham. Abraham levels Xavier with a running elbow, then a basement dropkick. Xavier kicks out. Abraham sets up a back suplex but Xavier flips out of it. Abraham pushes Xavier into the corner. Xavier counters and superkicks Abraham in the back of the head. Xavier goes up top and hits the spiral tap for the win.

Winner- Desmond Xavier

Backstage, Mackenzie is with Gail Kim. Kim says she has a huge announcement that she will make next week.

Backstage, Xavier says we just saw the reason why he is going to win the Super X Cup. The interviewer asks what Xavier calls his finisher. Xavier says it’s called the Final Flash and we will be seeing it again soon.

Backstage, Mackenzie tells Moose that he will be facing Naomichi Marufuji. EC3 walks in and says an outsider shouldn’t be getting a shot at the Grand Championship before he does. Moose tells EC3 that he doesn’t care who he is, he doesn’t get to skip ahead in line. EC3 says when he sees something he wants, he takes it. He will be seeing Moose again very soon.