GFW Impact Results (9/14) New Number One Contender Crowned, Bobby Lashley Makes his Choice!

In Mexico, LAX parties at a strip club. Konnan says oVe does realize that they have the referee paid off and they are going to slip them some of that Mexican water. oVe doesn’t have a chance.

In a swerve, bro, Konnan announces the tag title match will be a four-way match… because cutting your team’s chances down to 25 percent makes TOTAL sense.

GFW Tag Team Match: LAX (c) vs Ultimo Maldito and Hijo de Pirate Morgan vs Black Diamond vs Arkangel Davino vs OVE

We don’t get to see the whole match. Just highlights. LAX get the win after help from Homicide and pinning Ultimo.

Winners and STILL GFW Tag Champions, LAX

After the video package, LAX and a bunch of other Mexican wrestler threaten oVe.

Grado vs William Weeks

Weeks attacks Grado as he is dancing. Grado hits the Grado combo. Grado hits his running boot for the win.

Winner- Grado

After the match, Grado thanks the crowd for supporting him. Joesph Park comes to the ring. Park says his office just opened a new sports division. He is going to sign Grado and apply for a work visa for him. Park gives Grado a contract to sign. Grado signs it immediately. Park says he is going to get Grado so much work he isn’t going to know what to do with himself.


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