Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

Exclusive: Rosemary On The Callihan Ball Bat Incident, Who Really Started Women’s Revolution?, MMA Stars Taking Spots From Wrestlers?, More

Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

Rosemary on the multiple leadership changes during the tumultuous past two years in Impact Wrestling:

RM: I think that all you can do is… and as far as we know most others feel this way too, all you can do is continue doing the best you can. None of us have any control over whichever monarchy is in control of our country at the time. You just continue to cultivate what you are given and make it the best you possibly can and present yourself to whoever comes out on top as someone that you can make them money and that you will be a company person for whoever is in charge after the dust settles. So not have any control over anything that was happening and going through so many regime changes in the two years that have been an Impact it was definitely altering, and you can see if you go back through the years who was valued to what regime (laughs).

There are definitely going to be different outlooks between each regime and we feel now un-ironically that the people in control now with Scott D’Amore and Don Callas at the head of creative there is definitely a more clearer direction and a more approachable office than there has been the entire time we’ve been here and were not just saying that to appeal to the new regime it’s actually very much an exciting time to be part of the company after coming through what amounted to a tumultuous year. I’m not ashamed to say that there was so much upheaval and chaos the first year, but we really feel that Anthem has their feet under them now. Ed Nordholm took the past year to basically learn about how things are run and how they operate and choose who he needed where and in what spot. Coming into their sophomore year we really feel that they have a clear idea of the direction they want to go which helps the talent as well because let’s face it, like actors we need direction.

Rosemary on the Sami Callihan/Eddie Edwards baseball bat incident:

RM: We… we adore both Sami and Eddie and their passion and what they bring to the product and what they bring to wrestling in general. We think they are both incredibly talented, but accidents happen of course. It may be cliché to say but there is risk in his business, we aren’t playing in sandboxes we’re putting our bodies at risk and definitely, things can happen what happened. What happened might have been… it was a great match… but with the way it finished what could have just been another match in the series has now little fire under Eddie Edward and awakened this bloodlust inside Callahan that makes you take a step back and go “what we created?”  As gruesome as it is it’s kind of interesting to see where it goes, isn’t it?

Related: Sami Callihan Exclusive- Callihan addresses peer criticism, more

Rosemary on Sami Callahan’s refusal to apologize or stop bring the bat to the ring; Does she agree?:

RM: It would be rather hypocritical for us not to, wouldn’t it? This is coming from a woman who kidnapped and held Gail Kim hostage just to get her brothers a tag team title shot. A woman who was willing to kidnap a toddler to gain power over the Hardys. Far be it from us to be hypocritical. We will simply say that will just sit back and enjoy the violence as it unfolds…

Related: Video Of Sami Callihan Crushing Eddie Edwards Eye Socket With A Baseball Bat

Rosemary Comments on Who Started The Women’s Revolution, MMA Stars Invading Pro Wrestling, & More On The Next Page


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