Rik Bugez WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

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Results- Live

May 23rd, 2018

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Heavy Machinery vs TM61

Knight and Dozer run over Throne. Knight gets a near fall. Knight atomic drops Thorne. Hip toss by Thorne. Knight lawn darts Thorne. Knight tries a slam but Thorne counters. Knight tries an O’Connor rolls but Miller gets a blind tag. Miller blast Knight with a European uppercut. TM61 traps Knight and their corner. Miller and Thorne take turns beating down Knight. Miller and Thorne try to suplex Knight. Knight suplexes them both at the same time. Knight manages to tag in Dozer. Dozer runs over Thorne and Miller. Scoop slam by Dozer. Dozer hits the worm elbow on Miller. Thorne breaks up the pin. Knight hits the ring and hits the double arm hook suplex. Knight tries to splash Throne in the corner but Thorne moves out of the way. Exploder suplex by Dozer on Miller. Dozer goes up top and uses TM61’s towel to wipe himself off. Thorne kicks Dozer in the head. Dozer falls off the top rope. Miller pins Dozer with his feet on the ropes.

Winners- TM61