WZ Answers Your Questions in New Mailbag Feature: Benoit in the HOF, Divas Division, Which WWE Title Should Return?, PPV Hosts Cities and More

roman reignsDo you think the following wrestlers will ever go into the hall of fame?

Chris Benoit

Dynamite Kid

British Bulldog 

Owen Hart

Honky Tonk Man

The only people I truly see as being inducted are Owen Hart and Honky Tonk Man. The rest have a chance but the WWE has the final decision, the only exception is Chris Benoit. Benoit will NEVER go into the WWE Hall of Fame because of ‘the incident’, besides why would a publicly traded company induct a murderer even if he was a great in-ring worker and Superstar? I would say all of them deserve to be in the WWE, but it continues to remain the discretion of the WWE. If WWE is ever short of names for the Hall of Fame, I am sure all of them (except Benoit, and I can’t stress that enough) will get in.

After knowing what we know now about Daniel Bryan’s health it is obvious why Reigns went over at the Rumble. I have been a fan of his for a few years now. Yes he wasn’t ready, but the outcome of Wrestlemania and the rumors for the two months prior that WWE considered a 3 way make it all the more obvious that the decision was the right one. Yes he didn’t win, but Rollins was being built up as a main-eventer at the same time WWE had the jet pack on Reigns.

1: Is it possible that the WWE fans are being too judgmental on Reigns? As Jericho pointed out recently; Reigns was more over than anyone in the company for much of the past year until the week Daniel Bryan came back and everyone flipped their lids that he didn’t win. I personally was only upset the Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler were eliminated so quickly. so back to the question. Did the WWE fans extinguish Reigns’ flame and momentum heading into Wrestlemania?

2: Did WWE put Daniel Bryan in a bad spot by having him in a multi-man ladder match so recently after returning from a possibly career ending injury?

I don’t think the fans were being too judgmental, they didn’t want him shoved down their throats and didn’t allow that, not to mention Reigns made some unfavorable comments about the fans. I think the fans helped extinguish Reigns’ flame only because they didn’t want to see him on top, but they weren’t the ones to book him, WWE was.

Putting Bryan in the ladder match was a bad idea, plain and simple. WWE knew what they were getting into and unfortunately, it didn’t go well for Bryan. WWE, Daniel Bryan, and fans now have to face the consequences of bringing him back too early.