TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/10) – Champions Showcase, Who Gets A Title Shot Next Week?

Bobby Roode calls MVP out to the ring, saying he is just a threat to what MVP wants, and he got reinstated, so he is standing here until MVP comes out. He says MVP isn’t his boss anymore so he’s giving him to the count of ten to come out there, or he’s coming to find him and he will kick his ass. MVP comes out in a wheelchair and makes excuses about how he doesn’t know when he will be back, and he can’t stand, so Roode should thank him. Roode says he doesn’t care and he’s going to kick his ass anyway, then he heads to the ramp but Kenny King runs out from behind. Roode senses it and ducks a clothesline, then he hits King a few times and goes after MVP before he can wheel himself away. Roode gets him to the ring and dumps him on the floor, but King hits him with a chair and MVP joins in by stomping him. Eric Young runs out for the save, then he corners MVP, but Lashley runs out and spears him, and MVP taunts Roode and Eric while they start to get up.

James Storm finds Sanada in the back and says he is rooting for him, but he needs to win because he doesn’t want to disappoint his mentor, the Great Muta. Storm says Sanada will bring dishonor to his culture and mentor if he loses, and Muta uses the title to try and control Sanada. He says Sanada has impressed him recently, and he likes him, then Sanada tries to reply but Storm stops him and tells him not to choke.

BP: I’m not sure where they are going with this, but I’m intrigued. The rumor going around is that Bound For Glory will feature Japanese wrestlers versus TNA matches, so would Storm face Muta, or Sanada, or is this building to a mentor versus student match? I like any of the possibilities right now, and Storm is convincing as the devil on the shoulder.

X Division Championship

Austin Aries vs Sanada (c)

Aries dropkicks Sanada and goes for a backslide pin, then he rolls into Last Chancery but Sanada makes it to the ropes. Aries kicks him a few times and sends him outside, then follows with a double axe handle smash on the floor before hitting a slingshot senton. He shoulder blocks Sanada and heads up top, but Sanada catches him with a dropkick before elbowing Aries and taking him down with a hurricanrana. Sanada charges him but Aries backdrops him, only Sanada lands on the apron and snaps him onto the ropes before taking him down with a senton off the apron.

Sanada connects with a springboard chop, then he applies a full nelson but Aries blocks it, so Sanada instead tries for a dragon suplex. Aries shoves him in the corner and elbows him, then he goes for an IED but Sanada kicks him in the face and hits a backbreaker. He heads up top for a moonsault but Aries slams his head into the turnbuckles, then he catches him with an IED and goes for a Brainbuster. Sanada counters with a tiger suplex for two, then he connects with a moonsault for another near fall before hitting a front slam. Sanada heads back up top but Aries blocks a moonsault with a discus forearm, then he throws him across the ring and hits an IED. Aries connects with a Brainbuster and gets a surprising two count, so he heads up top and hits a 450 splash for the win.

Winner and NEW X Division Champion – Austin Aries

BP: Sanada looked down early, but this turned into a fantastic match. It wasn’t a complete spot fest, and it was well paced. The fans completely ate it up and it was fun to watch. They matched move for move and had plenty of near falls; Sanada was a good champion and represented the division well.