impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/11) – EC3 vs Mr. Anderson, Matt Hardy Interview, Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne

Fourth Match: Group X-Division DJ Zema Ion vs. Mandrews in a TNA World Title Series Match 

Mandrews and Zema trade jumps and floats but DJ gets caught on the atomic drop, reverse body scissors and an armdrag to send Zema outside. Mandrews out and gets a moonsault off the stairs. DJZ back inside, Mandrews misses the slingshot attack to get two, then a backslide again. Mandrews shows off and DJZ monkeyflips him on his neck. Tie up in the ropes gets two count, DJ lands a back elbow. Springboard back elbow to the face of Mandrews, and follows up to the apron with a jump inside to a kick, Mandrews with the enzugiri.

Mandrews hurricanrana for a two count. Knees to the corner Elijah Express- Mandrews sits DJZ up top. Shoved down and runs to kick DJZ. Mandrews climbs up and Frankensteiner. Standing Shooting Star for a two count. Mandrews to the top but gets pulled into a schoolboy. Mandrews attacks Z, gets caught in the Hostile Makeover for a two count. Zema for the hair, head to the buckles DJZ up top, Mandrews stands and Shooting Star Press lands but Mandrews gets caught into a cradle and DJZ picks up the victory. 

Winner: DJ Zema Ion + 3 Points 

Fifth Match: Crimson vs. Micah in a TNA World Title Series Match 

They showed a short clip of the match and Micah picks up the victory. 

Winner: Micah + 3 Points 

Eric Young Promo: 

Young talks about how he dropped Roode on his head and got the three count on it, and now, it’s he and Storm in the ring and it comes down to have to win, and need to win. Storm will find out how dangerous Young is next week, and nobody will ever hear from Storm again.


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