impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/11) – EC3 vs Mr. Anderson, Matt Hardy Interview, Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne

Sixth Match: Group Champions Ethan Carter III w/Tyrus vs. Mr. Anderson in a TNA World Title Series Match 

Anderson with a headbutt to EC3. Anderson lands a series of right hands to EC3 in the corner. EC3 with chops to Anderson chest in the corner. EC3 ducks out of the ring. EC3 and Anderson brawls on the outside. Anderson grounds EC3. Anderson with a clothesline to EC3. EC3 sends Anderson to the outside. Tyrus knocks Anderson off the ring apron. Anderson is struggling to get back into the ring. EC3 with a suplex to Anderson for a two count. EC3 with knee’s to the midsection of Anderson. EC3 with a sitout front suplex. EC3 with a headlock to Anderson. Anderson rolls up EC3 for a two count.

Both men run into each other with a double clothesline. EC3 and Anderson with back and forth right hands. Anderson with a neckbreaker to EC3. Anderson with the Green Bay Plunge. Anderson with a Swanton Bomb off the top rope for a two count. Anderson goes for the Mic Check and EC3 gets out of the way. Anderson with the Green Bay Plunge off the top rope for a two count and EC3 rolls out of the ring. Referee Earl Hebner gets into a arguement with Tyrus. Anderson grabs a chair and attacks Tyrus. EC3 with a low blow to Anderson. Anderson goes for the Mic Check and EC3 counters with the jack knife roll up to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Ethan Carter III + 3 Points 

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You can follow me on Twitter @WZJoshLopez . Check out my podcast the Pro Wrestling Experience. On the podcast I talk about Raw from Manchester. Rant on JBL and Kevin Dunn. Also pay tribute to The Undertaker.