impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (3/1) Taya Valkyrie Returns, Eddie Edwards Battles Sami Callihan!

Trevor Lee and Kaleb Conley are celebrating the fact that they stole LAX’s bandanas. The Mumbi Cats walk in. Lee apologizes to them for attacking them last week. Konnan walks in. Lee gets in his face. Konnan says they may have taken their bandanas but they won’t take the tag titles. Lee says Konnan is talking tough for someone who is alone. The Cats take their masks off and it’s Santana and Ortiz. Santana and Ortiz beat down Lee and Conley before tosses them both in the pool. Ortiz wants to get the bandanas but Konnan says they will get them another time.

Backstage, Alberto El Patron says Austin Aries took a spot that doesn’t belong to him. El Patron should be the Impact Wrestling Champion once again. At the end of the day whoever wins the Aries vs Impact match will have to face him.

Hania The Huntress vs Rosemary

Hania charges at Rosemary but Rosemary tosses her to the other side of the ring. Rosemary clotheslines Hania and gets a two count. Rosemary tries to set up the Red Wedding but Hania escapes. Hania tries a reverse DDT but Rosemary escapes. Rosemary retreats to the corner. Hania charges in. Rosemary puts her in the upside down. Rosemary hits a missile dropkick. Running corner elbow by Rosemary. Rosemary lands an exploder suplex for another near fall. Hania fires up and lands a few punches. Rosemary spears Hania. Red Wedding by Rosemary for the win.

Winner- Rosemary

After the match, Rosemary says the silly little she-wolf thought she wanted to play. She soon found out that the demon assassin is really the alpha BITCH. We (the Hive) will prove that once again. Rosemary wants the Knockouts Championship and we will stop at nothing to claim it. Taya Valkyrie walks out and joins Rosemary in the ring. Valkyrie asks Rosemary if she missed her. Valkyrie says she was listening to what Rosemary had to say and she finds it hilarious. Instead of calling Rosemary the “Alpha Bitch” we should call her “Taya’s Bitch”. Valkyrie starts to leave the ring. Rosemary does the same. Valkyrie attacks Rosemary from behind, knocking her off the apron. Valkyrie hits the Road to Valhalla on the ramp.

I didn’t see Valkyrie’s return coming. Rosemary and Valkyrie were building towards a hell of a feud a few months back. If we are lucky they will skip the build and just jump straight to the first blood match we missed out on when they were last scheduled to fight.



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